Angry Wasps of the Insect Kingdom
Earlier this afternoon (approximately 27 minutes ago) I was bitten by an insect. More specifically, a wasp came all up on my ankle and sunk his little insect teeth into my tender leg flesh while I was simply trying to cut the grass. My natural reaction was to scream and yell and swear, dismount the lawnmower, turn off the lawn mower, seek shelter, and put up an away message on AIM detailing my anger and hatred of mowing lawns and angry wasps. This is the first time I have been bitten by an insect in probably 10 years. The last time I was bitten guess what I was doing... that's right, cutting the grass. A hornet was defending his honor and decided my gargantuan cranium was a severe threat to his hornetness. Thus, he stung me in the head. There is a lesson to be learned from all of this. Pay someone else (not me) to cut your grass and you won't get your ass stung by angry wild beasts of the insect kingdom.
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