Saturday, November 18, 2006


This may not translate to blog form very well but ill try.
yesterday I proceeded to leave class and walk my bike across campus. I was walking up a road to the main bike path area when a dude in a golf cart suddenly rounds the corner and begins to approach. The driver had steadied his path with myself located directly in front of him approximately 20ft down this hill. He proceeded to travel down said hill at full speed never straying from his desired course of travel. At this time, i was casually walking my bike up this hill and in no way hogging the roadway. However, the cart driver was relentless in his pursuit of travel and was getting uncomfortably close. I stopped my brisk walk and became rather curious as to whether or not this person was going to smash his little cart into my person. At this point the cart is approximately 10 ft and closing. I am merely the metaphoric deer in the headlights. My life is in the hands of this reckless golf cart patron. He chooses if I live or die. My fate was soon to be decided. As the gap between us closed, the driver finally made his move. At a distance of approximately 2ft, he decided that today was not a good day for murder and let me live. He cut the steering wheel hard to the left and aggressively swerved around me. I was safe. I was unharmed. I was alive. With no even a slight flinch, the stone-cold golf cart driver continued his route to unknown glory. A hard lesson had been learned on this day. Several in fact. Always wear a helmet. Avoid intense golf cart drivers. Be Safe out there.


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