Monday, January 08, 2007


So... I forgot my blog password for a while but now i remember it. Lucky you. on to excitement.

Today some lady at costco cut in front of a few kids and stole their parking spot. They had a bit of a confrontation that involved the woman yelling across the parking lot "well I'm rich!!" as a comeback to whatever the kids she called "punks" were saying to her. She was walking with her child. Bet that one's going to have a bright future. Note: just because your rich doesn't mean your life doesn't suck and you're ugly and probably shouldn't be raising a child.

Leaving trader joe's I saw a woman wearing a pink sweatshirt and pink sweatpants that had the word "pink" written on the butt. I assume she isn't very good at putting together outfits and enjoys stating the obvious. Immediately after she left a man walked by wearing a red sweatshirt and red sweatpants. I think they should maybe go out for coffee or something.

Hooray for yuppies!!!

p.s. i was going to have a little end of the year summary and a bit of a soundtrack to 2006 list that was going to be awesome and probably win an award but as i said above, I forgot my password. Maybe I'll make it happen tomorrow.


Blogger Mixtapes|Heartbreaks said...

kyle -

would you be interested in making your 2006 soundtrack into a feature for mixtapes|heartbreaks?


11:53 AM  

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